Algerian DA (DZD) exchange rate with Euro (€), US Dollar ($)
Changedinar is an Application which communicates the exchange rate of Algerian dinar (DA) with Euro (€), US Dollar ($), Pound (£), and Canadian dollar (CA $) in the parallel market in Algiers ( square port said)
The Algerian case is very specific in the foreign exchange market, since the foreign currency cannot be acquired in banks, given the absence of exchange offices, which led to operations on the black market at a rate that does not meet no electronic payment rules.
For Algerians who want to exchange Algerian dinar for the euro, they must use the black market to obtain different currencies in order to travel abroad or for other purposes.
Place du Square Port-Said in Algiers is proof of this parallel exchange system which dominates the market in addition to several informal exchange offices known among Algerians. Services offered in cafeterias, general food stores, sale of clothing, mobile phones and restaurants throughout the Algerian territory.
The exchange rate in Algeria is subject to several factors, which makes it unpredictable
Currencies included in the application Euro, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, British Pound, Chinese Yuan, Turkish Pound, Swiss Franc, Saudi Rial, Emirati Dirham, Tunisian Dinar, Moroccan Dirham.
the application is subject to an almost daily update.